I Met a Man…

I once met a man who said he was thirsty so I handed him a bottle of water, but he would not drink.  He then said he was hungry so I handed him my lunch, but he would not eat.  Finally he said he was lost so I asked him where he was going, but he would not speak.

What I did not understand was he was thirsty for the word, he hungered for the spirit, and had lost his way from the path of righteousness. He laid down the mirror in his hand and picked up a Bible to quench his thirst, quash his hunger, and find his way again; the man was me.

About The Rural Iowegian

I am the Rural Iowegian of www.ruraliowegian.wordpress.com a published author and an award winning photographer. I use this space to speak my mind. God Bless.
This entry was posted in An Inconvenient God, Nourishment For The Soul, Religion, Writing. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to I Met a Man…

  1. Excellent word my friend. Peace in Yeshua.

    brother malachi

  2. Reblogged this on A Word From Malachi and commented:
    I am re-blogging this post from ‘The Rural lowegian’ https://ruraliowegian.wordpress.com/2015/01/07/i-met-a-man/

    There is an old saying that seems to be quite prevalent in a man… “we see things not as they are, but as we are”.

    We see evidence of this in the life of King David when the prophet Nathan was sent of God with the parable of the rich man that had taken the poor man’s one ewe lamb for his wayfaring friend.

    David was ready to ‘kill’ him as just recompense, while completely oblivious to what he had done to Uriah the Hittite.

    In this post from the rural lowegian we find a man that had a heart that was tender toward the leading of God’s Spirit… a man like King David. A man after God’s own heart.

    Sometimes our actions do not reveal the desires of our heart until the Spirit intervenes.

    Thanks for the post rural lowegian!

    Peace in Yeshua
    brother malachi

  3. Pingback: I Met a Man… | A Word From Malachi

  4. Reblogged this on The Rural Iowegian and commented:

    This was a post from January 2015 that I thought would be worth posting again.

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